Who Is This Artist? What Is This AJ Signature?

Who Is This Artist? What Is This AJ Signature?

I believe this is my most unrivaled problem at present, and something I wish to endeavor upon adjusting this year; I do not have a consistent voice between my instagram and my tiktoks and my facebook and my website. I am scattered. I need to find myself, arrange myself slightly better.
Let's do that first,

           My name is Alec Johnson. I discovered Remulus the Third, a faerie King in a discordant forest filled with Turkeys, through a spirit connection I have built with the Goddess Eris, Queen of Confusion. My artwork and philosophy reflect this connection heavily, mirroring my life which is chaotic yet beautiful and meant to be experienced now, as an Earth-bound being, and channeled via myself, a genderfluid human individual given the name Alec Johnson at birth. I paint about these things and just generally am kind of enigmatic. Going back to some of my earliest artistic memories, the signature on my work has remained an emblem containing both letters of my initials, AJ. This emblem has become the logo for a fine art and design business that has begun to represent the creative work of both Alec Johnson and Remulus, Third of Their Name, hosting and selling artwork and other items as these entities see fit, such as trading cards, fashion design and other merchandise, as well as writings, videos, and art collections for viewing and storytelling purposes. I am Alec Johnson, I channel Remulus III, Feather Crowned, and I say to you gobble gobble. 

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